lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009


Read this article and give your opinion about it. Feel free to add what you really feel and believe.

El tráfico de esclavos

Esclavos africanos El comercio de esclavos africanos fue practicado por los árabes durante la Edad Media. Durante el siglo XV, los portugueses fueron los principales comerciantes de esclavos y el tráfico se convirtió en un próspero negocio. Tanto España como Portugal mantenían esclavos negros en sus respectivos territorios.

Con el descubrimiento de América, los nuevos territorios se abrieron al tráfico. Se calcula que entre 13 y 20 millones de personas llegaron a América en condición de esclavos, es decir, convertidos en objetos pasibles de compra y venta. Carlos V concedió "licencias" para introducir esclavos africanos a las colonias españolas; éstas se concedieron a alemanes, genoveses y flamencos, pero en la época de Felipe II el tráfico fue monopolizado por los portugueses.

6 comentarios:

  1. The article is astonish because I can see that not only american people traffic with black and havorigen people so that Spanish, German, etc. take part of this ''job'' a few years ago.

    Alba Molina Cañamero

  2. I suppose that we always only think that american people made a slave traffic. But we are wrong, we must know that a lot of countries, without count USA, they made this traffic a few years ago, too.
    For this reason, I believe that we should speak about the general slavery, no only about the american slavery.

  3. With this article we can see that a lot of countrys (including Spain) have done this wrong and injust thing. A lot of families were separated many years ago, but now we can see it, we can understand that we can't treat black people like this because they are like us. We must take notice of this. We can't do it again, it was a really unfair life .People didn't understand it many years ago, but now we're different and we have to worry for this things and we have to make change people who think bad.

    Anna Galofré Murtró

  4. I think it was very cruel to leave slaves.Yo many black people believe that black people felt manipulated by whites both in America and other countries.

  5. I think slavery is cruel. Selling black men and woman to other countries was wrong. Its a shame that Spain took part in this horrible trade.

  6. I'm surprised about how many people where slaves when they arrived to America and how slaves for rich people where dealt than objects.
